
oh Martha...

So...my baking buddy and I both got ahold of a wonderful, wonderful cookbook with a plethora of stellar cupcake recipes:

Martha Stewart's Cupcakes: 175 Inspired Ideas for Everyone's Favorite Treat


Sooooo...we took hold of the opportunity to make some cupcakes. With it being Pastor Appreciation Month aaannnndddd National Cake Decorating Month this is what we came up with... 

Sheep Cupcakes in their very own pen!

...and of course...a black sheep!

So good!

We made this for the staff at our church to thank them for "Shepherding our flock." They were pleasantly enjoyed and brought forth many smiles!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Aimee,
    I LOVE YOU!!!! Reading your blog makes me miss you so much!! We should bake together when I come home. That would be THE BEST!!! I can't wait to see you!
    Love Bradie
